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Samhain Box

Samhain Box


During Samhain the veil is thin and the season of the witch is upon us. Spirits walk among us, we hear their whispers in the wind, see them in the shadows from the corners of our eyes, and they visit us in dreams and meditation. 


The Samhain Box has three of my favorite offerings Somnium Elixir, Divination Salve, and Necromantia Oil. 


These offerings support you as you journey through the veil, allowing you to tap deeper into the subconscious realms where you can commune with your ancestors. 


Scents of autumn offerings, ancestral herbal, spices, and resins enhance and amplify the energy and intention of the work that you do during this time. It is an honor to share all these special offerings to accompany you as you work with the dead on these days when the veil is thin, and the ancestors are present and reaching out. 


You can use them all through the month of October, but most powerfully from Oct 31 to Nov 4.

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